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VIDEO SALES LETTER - Anti Blue Light Glasses

Video Sales Letter
Anti Blue Light Glasses
Hi, I'm Kevin - and let's just say I'm no stranger to sleepless nights. 

Anyone who's suffered from sleep problems in their life knows my struggle all too well.

But after years of frustration, trying desperately to overcome this seemingly impossible obstacle, I'm proud to say that I am finally cured.

I never imagined I'd stumble upon the life-changing information that got me here, information that’s supported by Harvard and Thomas Jefferson University, and scientists around the world.

With it, I put insomnia far behind me.

Today, I'm going to share this information with you, so you can overcome your sleep problems and take back your life, like I did mine.

Now, there are many kinds of sleep problems, which can stem from a multitude of things.
But over the past few decades, insomnia has become more and more common. And there are a lot of unanswered questions as to why.

Well, groundbreaking new developments in science may have found an explanation for this mystery...and you will never guess what it is.

But we'll get to that in a minute.

First, I want to tell you a little bit about my story.

I'm 42 years old, and as I mentioned before, I've had a lot of issues with sleep.

My insomnia started about 10 years ago.

At first it was mild, but over time it became more severe.

I'm not a particularly stressed or high-strung individual, and I don't even drink coffee.
But for some reason, when it came to shutting down at night, it just wasn't happening for me.

Unfortunately, my health - and quality of life - began to deteriorate.

My immune system weakened and I was constantly getting sick.

I gained a ton of weight. My memory started to decline, and my head was always foggy…. I couldn't focus on anything.

I became very moody, and sometimes irrational. I would snap at my wife a lot, even though I didn't really mean it.

I used to be such a sharp, motivated, positive person.

I was always in good shape...definitely not overweight. And, I practically never got sick.

I had a hard time accepting what was happening to me.

It began affecting my work, and my personal life. I just wasn't present like I used to be.

When I’d finish work, my kids would be so excited to play with me, but I'd have no energy to keep up.

Or, I'd be sitting at a romantic dinner with my wife, but my over-exhausted brain couldn't even focus long enough to hold a conversation, or absorb anything she said.

She grew more and more frustrated with me. She was running out of patience.

I wasn't happy with myself. And I felt like life was passing me by.

I went and saw the doctor to make sure everything was ok. He did all kinds of tests… but ultimately couldn't find anything wrong with me.

He said my symptoms were a result of not sleeping , and if I didn't intervene soon, it would only get worse.

Along with his prognosis, he warned me that lack of sleep could lead to a slew of health problems.

You know those people who always insist that they're fine on just 3 or 4 hours of sleep?

Don’t believe them!

I did some homework of my own, and it turns out, according to the National Institutes of Health, getting less than 7 hours a night can put you at greater risk for:
- Obesity and weight gain
- Cardiovascular disease
- Weakened immune system
- Memory loss
- Clouded judgment
- Poor mental function
- Stroke
- ..and diabetes

Harvard Medical School researchers say sleep is critical for memory and cognitive function.
First of all, if you can’t optimally focus your attention, you’re incapable of learning efficiently.

Second, in order for a memory to be formed, your brain must be able to consolidate the new information, and this process only happens during sleep.

That’s because the neural connections in your brain which form memories strengthen while you’re sleeping.

Your brain cannot form new memories if it skips this essential step. Unfortunately, the risk of brain deterioration from poor sleep gets even worse with age.

The National Institutes of Health also say insomniacs are more likely to develop mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, and paranoia.

And those are the milder ones.

More serious disorders include mania, delirium, and even psychosis - especially in elderly individuals.

But gets freakier.

Recent studies show, a long-term pattern of poor sleep can actually shorten your life expectancy!

Now that is NOT what I signed up for.

Determined to turn this prophecy around, I decided it was time to take action.

The first step, was to figure out the cause.

What exactly is keeping me up at night?

If it isn't stress, and it's not caffeine, and I have no underlying illnesses, then what could it be?

I had to think outside of the box.

So I started doing insane amounts of research. I mean, I was up all night anyway. May as well use the time productively.

I thought maybe I could start by asking a broader, preliminary question - one that I raised earlier.

Why have sleep problems become so prevalent in the past few decades?

Because the more I thought about it, the fact that mine started later in life and then got progressively worse, may hold some significance.

I had no trouble sleeping when I was young. And, I actually heard similar stories from friends.

I realized, finding what's responsible for this global rise in sleep problems might just be the key to solving my own.

That's when I stumbled upon a very interesting bit of information.

Thanks to several recent studies on sleep and the body’s circadian rhythm, scientists at Harvard Medical School think they may have discovered the cause.

They say our digital devices could be to blame.

But the reason is different than you might think.

It's not because your smartphone is bombarding you with heaps of information when you should be trying to shut your brain off, or because you're getting distracted by late night text messages, or the storyline from your favourite TV show is over-stimulating your mind.


It has to do with certain light waves that are emitted by these devices.

Particularly: blue light.

I minored in biology in college, so I was already familiar with the connection between humans and blue light. Our relationship with artificial blue light, on the other hand, I knew nothing about.

At this point you might be asking, what is blue light, and how exactly does it relate to my sleepless nights?

Well - get ready for some mind-blowing science.

Blue light has the highest energy wavelength of all the visible colors in the electromagnetic spectrum.

And for humans, it actually serves a very important purpose.

Natural blue light from the sun regulates our circadian rhythms. That's because it has a direct impact on melatonin - the hormone which controls sleep.

Melatonin release begins a couple of hours before bedtime and peaks in the middle of the night.

Blue light is like a cue - a signal for your body to stop producing melatonin. This lets your brain know it's time to be awake and alert.

Since the dawn of our species, our sleep cycles have been governed by the rising and setting of the sun.

Even with advent of controlled fire, we would still fall asleep and wake up in accordance with the sun's blue light waves.

That's because fire doesn’t emit the same kind of damaging blue light that modern living exposes us to - artificial blue light, that is.

Now - here's where it gets tricky.

We know the sun is a natural source of blue light.

But you see, blue light is also produced artificially by your smartphone, tablet, TV, computer and home lighting.

Problem is, exposure to these devices in the evening blocks melatonin production. So instead of getting sleepy, your brain is receiving the signal that it should be awake.

That means, while you're innocently watching your favorite TV shows at night, or browsing the internet, or scrolling through social media - your brain is unknowingly being tricked into thinking it’s daytime.  

With all the technology in the world today, we are constantly being exposed to blue light, and scientists say this has played a huge role in the growing rate of insomnia.Then I realized, not only do I spend most of my day in front of a computer screen at work - from the minute I stop working, I'm on my phone - reading articles, news, blogs, all that stuff. 
I hate to say I'm addicted, but I definitely put some serious man hours into my phone - especially at night. 
This was all making sense now, as I started seeing a correlation between how much time I spent on my digital devices, and the progression of my insomnia. 
Now that I had a potential cause of my sleep problems, I decided to do a little experiment. 
I cut out all digital devices after sundown. 
No phone, no computer, no TV, barely any lighting except a dim lamp.
The results were remarkable.
After about two weeks, I was surprised to find I was actually falling asleep early - and sleeping through the night. For the first a WHILE.
I'll admit I was so relieved my sleep deprivation wasn't just a sign of me getting old!
However, while this was an effective way to determine whether or not blue light was the cause of my sleep issues, cutting out all digital devices every night was not a sustainable solution. 
Because let's face it. 
Avoiding blue light in the modern world isn't easy.
The reality is, most of us are going to be looking at our phones, working on our computers, and for sure - watching our favorite Netflix series - after the sun has set. 
And none of those “night shift” and other blue light reducing features on our smartphones actually block out enough emissions to really be effective. 
They aren’t going to protect you from you TV or interior lighting either.
So, what can we do about it?
I wondered - if only I could figure out a way to isolate and filter out these particular light waves, to prevent them from blocking melatonin production.
I was halfway there. 
I figured out the problem, which was excessive exposure to blue light, and the solution, which was to limit our exposure. 
Now I just had to figure out what tool could achieve this goal.
So I searched and searched… 
And then…..Eureka!
I discovered the secret trick to solving this seemingly impossible problem. 
And doing this will ensure you never have to face the detrimental consequences of artificial blue light. 
This brilliant, game-changing invention turned my life around - and helped countless others break free from the chains of insomnia.
It all started with a company called Dream Elements.
These innovators developed a revolutionary, advanced method for specifically filtering out blue light rays.
Their product really sparked my interest, so I went ahead and gave it a try.
Anti Blue Light Glasses. 
Ever heard of em?
Well I hadn't, but it wasn't long before they became my new “secret weapon.” 
Simple and practical, these glasses are the only reason I'm back on track with restful sleep - and I didn't have to toss my smartphone and cancel my Netflix subscription to do it! 
Dream Elements Anti Blue Light Glasses have high-quality, amber-tinted lenses which filter out UV and blue light emissions. 
This ensures your brain doesn’t get the signal that it’s supposed to be awake. 
And studies show - when you wear Anti Blue Light Glasses, your brain produces just as much melatonin as it would if it were dark.  
That means consistent, better quality sleep - every night. 
These glasses improve your sleep patterns by...
Supporting a healthy circadian rhythm
Promoting melatonin production and REM sleep
Helping you fall asleep faster
And allowing you to sleep through the night.
After a month of wearing them, I was sleeping better than ever.  
And with healthier sleep patterns, came all the life-changes. 
I quickly started losing weight. I was getting my old body back. 
My mind sharpened, my memory was on point. I felt energized and alive. I had the focus I needed to be attentive to my loved ones. 
I felt like I was finally present again.
My doctor said my physical health improved tenfold. 
He even asked what my secret was, how after all these years I was able to get rid of my insomnia. 
Of course I shared my knowledge with him too, and told him to spread the word to his other patients. 
I often wear my Anti Blue Light Glasses at work when I am doing projects on the computer. Because as it turns out, they aren't just for improving sleep. 
Wearing them can help prevent symptoms associated with prolonged computer use, like headaches, digital eye strain, dry eyes and eye fatigue. 
They also enhance focus and sharpness to optimize screen viewing. 
This can be very helpful for:
Computer workers
and Designers. 
They're also the only glasses that use Blue Maxguard protection - Dream Elements' proprietary technique for maximizing the filtration of UV and blue light rays while also effectively relieving eye strain.
I didn't even realize how strained my eyes got from staring at a computer screen. Not to mention the headaches. 
These glasses give me instant relief. 
Dream Elements Anti Blue Light Glasses are lightweight and durable. You can tell the construction is top notch quality. 
The lenses are scratch resistant and they provide UV400 protection, so you could wear them outside too. 
Dream Elements Anti Blue Light Glasses have been the biggest game changer of my life, to date. 
Once I fixed my sleep problems, everything else fell into place. 
I'm so grateful and I seriously recommend them to everyone! 
Even if your sleep problems aren't severe, the way you feel when you get the quality and quantity of sleep you really need, is PRICELESS. 
You honestly just have to try them for yourself to see.


VIDEO SALES LETTER - Anti Blue Light Glasses

VIDEO SALES LETTER - Anti Blue Light Glasses


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